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A Story in Design: Sir Dignitrip Cocotops III

  Let me tell you the story of how I set out to make my first stylized character. Or "How I tried to stylise like Fable and what came out of it" 😁 I've always liked the stylized drawings. The expressiveness that exaggerated forms can give has a special place in my heart as an artist ☺️  Within certain limits, of course. I'm not a big fan of squiggly doodles as a "style" and bright modern designs where people clearly have Elephantiasis (don't google this if you have a sensitive psyche 🫣). Fable is a completely different matter. Moderately simplified and fun - just what you need. That's why, when I finally put aside the training wheels of art courses and tried to ride my creative bicycle on my own, I turned my attention to this game. I really wanted to draw an unusual and charismatic character. Maybe even a little bit strange. After thinking about this well, I settled on the idea of a weird aristocrat who lives "very modestly" (by his own s

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