Something to think about: how to draw faces from different angles

Hi kitties 👋

Recently I came across an interesting tutorial on drawing the faces of characters from different angles. A very useful and quite simple method. Tested it myself 😉
This is my loose retelling of the video tutorial (I will leave the link to the original below):

Stage 1: Let's start simple.

As a basis for our face, we will draw an ordinary slightly curved sheet of A4 paper. Turn it in any direction, play with angles. The more options for training - the better 🙂

Stage 2: Adding simple features to our sheets.

Let's draw a central line along the long side of the sheet. Then a diamond on it - this will be our nose. To the right and left of its upper edge, we'll add dots - the eyes. Below is the line of the mouth.
For this stage, the main thing is to position the nose correctly so take your time with this. Don't rush. It's better to redraw the line several times now than to change part of the finished drawing later.
From here on, you can break down the drawing process into any number of stages, continuing to gradually increase the level of detail. For this example, let's add two more.

Stage 3: More details.

To make our faces more human-like, let's add ears (the lower edge is approximately at the level of the lower edge of the nose, the upper - at the level of the eyebrows), lips, and deepening of the inner corners of the eyes. You can also sketch the lines of the cheekbones.

Stage 4: Mask-faces.

As soon as the third stage stops causing you any difficulties, you can increase the detailing (will it be the same face on all masks or different faces - as you wish). Transform the diamond into a normal nose, draw eyes, add a chin, and other features.
The main thing to remember is that the bent lines of our leaf base are your main helper and guide in finding the correct location of the elements.

I'm sure that with proper training you'll be fine! 👍

Here is the original video. Enjoy!.


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